
My head is spinning from study today. There is no sense in doing any sales work during this Thanksgiving week, so I'm giving myself permission to do other things.

Two things:

First, I did hear a call from Our Lady during prayer, which was an intense, but very calm and very real calling. I have a vision now for uniting all of my various and disparate skills and aptitudes. I have discovered that The Will is for me to return to practicing law, in defense of children. Likely in the class action arena. Further, I'll be involved in direct ministry to children in prisons, beginning locally (we have a juvenile detention center and 'camp' within a few miles of my home). Eventually, I mean to be able to support myself, my family and my ministry with this work, to include adding other brothers and eventually sisters to this work to advance the state and care of children throughout our society.

I look forward to beginning this sacred task. The devil is in the details of course, but I have no fear. I may have to stay in my current work position for many years before I can become fully self-supporting, but I don't care. I have a plan that is finally big enough for me, and a worthy challenge. So I feel very peaceful and at rest even as I face what will be a very challenging career. It feels as though the last four decades have been rescued from obscurity and meaninglessness by this single moment in time, or out of time as the case may be.

So, I look forward to seeing how The Will plans to make all of this work out. In the meantime, I have several "immediate" items on my 'to-do' list to start things rolling.

A very blessed turn of events.

Oh, the second thing wasn't nearly as earth-shattering. More mind-wobbling. I was doing some study on apostolic succession---oi vey! What a mess! Well. All in all I'm pretty convinced that our priests, bishops and patriarchs are pretty much all related one way or another. But further cross-pollination is pretty necessary---90+% of the current 5000 RCC bishops, and most of our recent popes are descended or can be documented back to the ordination of a single, 16th century Bishop--and we can't get any further back from that (yes, we have all the records of the popes back to the 2d century--pretty much---but the actual laying on of hands from bishop to bishop is what I'm talking about). So, hopefully we'll find some more records in the next hundred years or so before all is lost to fill in some gaps. In the meantime, it is good and holy work that the Gnostic and Independent bishops are doing. We are sewing back together our fairly ragged cloak of succession---all to the good.

Signing off . . . . visit my new altar(s); the one dedicated to the Holy Innocents of our day is here.