

one only. one purpose. one Thought.

a world of souls, but with one breath.
to feel the hairs on the necks of countless billions, each known to me.

we rise and bow down as one.
and we smile. we smile a smug little smile.

for there is no one like US.


Another 'mundane' post. I don't feel poetic today either. But I am glad to be back in my normal prayer and praxis. Getting admitted to the seminary threw me off my groove. I shied away from my (portable) temple for four days (I 'reveal' and 'conceal' it every morning from 3 to 5 am) . I think I just couldn't handle the transition from 'normal' mystic and, um, the other stuff i do . . . . , to something 'official'. I suddenly felt somewhat afraid of my prayer clothes. I felt repulsed by my temple floor.

But that has passed as I knew it would. I again enjoy the claustrophobic feeling of my prayer clothes nearly cutting off my breath, the weightlessness of dragon position, the transportation to other realms. The words, and the silence. And, now, my new preparation ritual for entering the temple.

All is well--well, on that plane at least.

The rest of my life is tricky and perilous. Although I may be making a complete switch to the non-profit life. Strange for me--who has always been (keeping up the mask of) the hard-charging capitalist.

Well. Back to our regularly scheduled programming soon I hope . . . .