Almost there. Ordination is now six days away. What else is there to say?
The PRIEST has gently absorbed and broken down as much of the interior of the 'teapot' of my existence to have room to move. So the 'emptiness' 'blackness', which is in reality awesome potentiality and non-being and fullness, is sufficiently 'large' enough to permit ordination. It is amazing. The funny thing is that It still seems like I have an individual personality. I feel like I am God looking out at the world through theis small segment of a stained glass window that is the illusion and lie of 'me'.
Also, a very great consolation for me running up to ordination has been reading daily before communion the 'song of songs' from scripture. My Bishop assigned it to me. What an amazing book! Yes, of course I've read it before. But now, it is more and more wonderful.
Sorry, nothing 'interesting' to say today. But as I've been hiding from all cyber-interaction lately, I thought I'd just slap something up so that everyone knew i was still 'alive'. In a way.
What is really amazing is that whenever the spirit moves me in a 'ministerial' capacity: hard to describe that, i am still myself, but I feel the spirit of god flowing through me so amazingly, so brightly, and so gently. I keep wondering why no one can see the glow. actually, maybe they can.
Yet, of course, 'after the ecstasy, the laundry.'
speaking of which . . . .
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