
El Shaddai, the Almighty: (Shad) nourisher/many-breasted one, and destroyer (Shadad).

May blessing fall from me like the very holy breasts of G-d, full of the milk of love, blessing, power and fecundity. And, like the mighty Athena, her breasts bared, may I also be the destroyer of evil, of ignorance, of the enemies of light.

May the holy light that suffuses me shine forth like a mighty beacon: yea! those who will be saved shall be saved and made whole. yea! those who are destined for destruction, may it be swift like the blessing of a quick and clean death by the golden sword of the Holy One of the two mountains.

For my fingers are the very rays of the Sun. My arms raised are the pillars of the earth. My mind the sum of all galaxies. There are giants in the land. Lo! Giants! And I am the giant-slayer. I am the mother/nourisher/vessel. I am the fecundating power of G-d. There are no barriers before me. Gorges I cross not--no! I command them to meet and I walk across in a single step! Mountains crumble into the sea. Valleys are raised up. Oceans cover the damned. Springs, sweet, everlasting, nourish the fields of the righteous.

I am Leviathan. I am the Light-Bearer, I am the beast of the Holy Woods. Come! Seek knowledge and life, and ye shall die, but Lo! Live! But anew, the old life like after-birth--eat and be nourished. And let blessings rains down from you. It is so easy! Like releasing the loins after a sleep of 7 days. Like a cloud to bursting pricked by the holy finger of G-d.

May torrents fall, may waters rise! Rise! I dare not look upon my self. Nay! I neither touch my face or any part of myself for my holiness is for all, but not for myself.

I have become a gravity well; a depression in space-time. Those who are destined to shall fall into my orbit and be made whole. Once they realize their own g-dhead, they shall spin gently out, to become galaxies of their own. May the blessing of all good creatures, of heaven, sky, water, earth and fire, descend and remain on all of us for all time; the one time; now; the eternal YES; the eteral NOW; the eternal CRY.

For I cannot die. I cannot die for I have already died so many times I have lost count. There is only the thinnest of tissue paper wrapping the G-d/life/power/blessing. And even it has tears through which you can see the Shekina.

Fear not! Put your finger in my side, my hands, my feet. You shall be destroyed/healed. You shall be slain/suckled. Do you still not see! Are your eyes so loathe to open? Behold! I stand at the door and knock!

Behold! Do you not see that this door exists only in your imagination!? Do you not see that already I have burned away your house and all possessions?! You stand naked before me! The waters are rising, will you take my hand?! The earth is falling into the pit--will you not sit on my shoulders?!

All the heavens await your return---will you tarry in your own filth!? Be clean I say! I shall wipe you clean as an infant. Your skin, scarred, mutilated, dry as ash, wrinkled and thick and callused as an elephant's ass--you shall be made into the fragrant, chubby, irresistible flesh of a babe. Cleaned. Fed. Giggling. See you now?! All life is laughter! All pain is illusion!?

Be ye born! Be ye raised up! Shine as the stars! As the sun! May your own breasts bloom. And may you feed a mighty nation!

And let your sword, forever sharp, forever clean, forever perfect, forever bared, slay one thousand at your left and ten thousand at your right.

For we are all warrior men/women. We suckle a babe in one arm, and hold a sword aloft in another, and the reins of the chariot we need not for the horses obey our very thoughts. Our chariots, golden, fire, alabaster, holy fire, shall ride over the bones of our enemies. The righteous, the righteous, once in rags, once bone-thin, shall be stuffed, shall rest on pillows of down, shall live in palaces of light and marble.

O G-d!!!!!!!!!! All things are! All things are not! May even the bottom of my toes be holy. May my body be converted into your eternal light--each inch! perfection! Melt away the fat--the fat of my gluttony, of body and mind and spirit. Let there remain a perfect warrior.

Aleph. Lam. Mim. Sod.