I crave darkness.
The glorious reign of our brother Moon after the defeat of his spouse our Sun.
He has carried her into his bedchamber and there, there she is radiant, but gauzy cottony softness of impossible blackness shrouds her; innocent as on the first night of their sacred union.
And then he soars. He leaps, effortlessly, a stag, a youth in his strength.
And his consort, the bright star, smiles upon him from afar. And their affair of the heart is revealed, eternal longing unconsummated.
We, sleepy children, dream, and lie, close, warm, safe in his pearly glow. Ssoon, we know that he will cross the sky and leave us for unknown works.
And there, in that blessed between-time, pure darkness reigns, uncluttered with corrupted matter that only interrupts the pure potential of being that is the dark.
And i sit in my prayer garment, black also like the night, and pray that dawn will tarry.
Please, mother, wait a little longer, let me be, let me cry out into the earth and into the fires of unknown worlds, let your lovely nagging voice be far from me just a bit more. Let me rejoice with my secret lovers just a bit longer--for have i not battled as the great Odysseus? Have I not lived twenty years in a day?
And when my clock chimes six bells I cry hot tears and stamp my feet. For she has won again.
Pulled back her curtains daintily, and begun her balloonlike rise into the heavens, casting away all potential and drowning us in the actuality of this day, this moment, this time, this place, this frozen slice of being.
And each morning i must remember who i am this time.
Sometimes, i must think long.