every intonation and rhythm of the mass whispers it. every note of the song of the priest. every word of the Eucharistic prayer. every plaster visage. every flake of gold leaf.
they proclaim the mystery. the mystery of god's true desire. his desire to live under the spiritual life.
his desire to breakaway somehow from that being which one perceives in one's mind and heart. to sneak away from his pleasant visage.
to be a secret lover. to have a secret pact. to give a secret gift. if only we will do this one thing for him, he hints, then much will be ours.
dare not refuse. for he takes his silly games seriously. take the dare, or it will become an unknowable secret passion.
play his game. placate the child. for he is god. and 'no' is not in his vocabulary. recall: a child, with limitless power. limitless time. limitless energy. limitless CHILD's energy. he can play this game 'all day.' take a guess how long his days are.
take the dare.