I thank you now for this pain you have given me.
I thank you now for this groaning without ceasing.
For this heaviness in my limbs
For this terror in my face
For my bones melting
For my flesh turned to shards of obsidian and flying off into the stars
For my very being every day more nothing, more nothing.
For now i see, now i understand.
My body flies to you.
My body, the thinnest garment, a gauze, a fine gauze, strong but filmy, frothy.
I become you. And YOU are so many, so many more than I had thought.
My body flies to you O Avenger! O Adamant! O Fehu! O Brother! O Sister!
I made love to a saint today, shyly and blushing, and she only laughed at my childishness.
And the joy on her face uplifted to a world I know now slew me once, thrice and I lay, I stand, dead.
Not dead, but not.
Holes from bullets tortuous shredded my flesh, my nakedness uncovered.
I have bled out.
My face a ghost.
And I have sunk down into the earth, lamented but shortly.
And, and,
And I am created anew. I do not know these arms, these legs. This is not my torso.
This is not my face.
O God! Only the tiniest filament of my former self yet lives. A filament that stretches back into the past to what once was a body. And now.
And now I am this other, this other with whom I am not yet acquainted. And he terrifies me.
His eyes flash like eagles
His arms as steel.
His legs as the pillars of the earth.
His hands hold powers untold
His mind works in mighty ways---I shudder to think his thoughts!
And his raiment. Of Gold and Purple and Red. His staff is mighty. It is death to all others. And it's weight impossible to any but him.
But his lips bless. His countenance a blessing and food to the weary.
His body death to the evil, and life to the weak.
I have passed into a new country. A new world.
A world so much larger, so much grander, so much more real than this paltry shadow.
I cannot tell of its magnificence as I am forced to speak this tongue of dung.
But it I could speak the words of silver and gold, you might not survive it.
Come up. Come in. Yet fear.