
Brother Pete taking his simple vows.

Another wonderful quote found by Tau Langly. I can't seem to 'cut and paste' into my blog right now, so you can find the quotationation about the "five types of Christians" here.
San Romero de las Americas.

I have to fully endorse Tau Langely's article on Romero. Well, really, I fully endorse and embrace the words and life of Saint Romero. He is who we need to look to today. In a very realy way, he stands alongside the Holy Mother as Patron and Prince of the Americas. I've lifted this very wonderful, short bio of St. Romero from Tau L. here.

I was very blessed and honored last week to take my simple vows in the Holy Monastic Order En Deus, under the OVRO (Valentinian, Western) rite. And, of course, in a completely different way, to receive the grace of the sacrament of holy orders as Deacon in the Holy Nicholean Catholic Church. And thirdly, truly blessed to be a part, however humble, of our Patriarch's consecration, acclamation and election. A truly amazing week.