I have been called a mystic. But that comes from a generosity of spirit of which I am not worthy. Perhaps more accurately: "Bastard with mystical tendencies".
I do know that in my own experience, I have begun to see the entire world, including myself, my visions, my family, my work, my little bubble of circumstances, through a new lens. What is that lens? Hard to describe.
But it does make me feel very much as though I am living on this earth, in a way, analogous to that C.S. Lewis called "Oyarsa"--these beings EXISTED--unaffected by the physical world. To stand 'stationary' on a planet, for example, they would appear as though they were flying at immense speed. Because, in reality, they were. For they were not affected by the rotation of any world. And so to exist among the average mortal, it was necessary for them to fly at the speed of the planet's rotation to appear stationary to those affected by that world's gravity.
This is somewhat how I feel. NOT in ANY way that I am a better person: anyone who knows me well knows that is SO not true.
This is somewhat how I feel. NOT in ANY way that I am a better person: anyone who knows me well knows that is SO not true.
But I have, in some way, 'opted out' of life. It is hard, as I said, to describe. I would like to think that my choices are more and more in line with the Gospel of Christ and with treating each person as I would Him.
At that same time, I know that this world is passing away, now, it is in a state of passing away NOW. And so, one instructs one's body to act with compassion. And one's eyes and ears and mind are all enmeshed with the super-Mind of Christ. The world, all physical reality, however beautiful, are dim, SO dim, in comparison with the terrible, sharp, ultra-bright reality of the other worlds. The plane of what we call the 'spiritual'. But I hate that word in English: it connotes 'ghostliness' and impermanence. I tell you (times 3!) (in Arabic: "Fa amma ana, fa akulu lakum") that what we call the spiritual is MORE REAL, MORE permanent, MORE "physical" than the physical.
Awake! That which is YOU is too amazing to be defined by your physical body, although that is a legitimate and important part of what is you in toto. But YOU are infinitely more than your body, even than your mind. But to begin to experience life in this way, it takes something. For some, an Eastern-type "enlightenment". For others, some sort of praxis. But if you have the calling, you will eventually fall into the river of the mystical life. And you will drown, and be truly baptized into a new world.
Darn! It all sounds so 'foofy' and silly. But it isn't, I assure you. It is in dead earnest.