Sr. Laurel is always good for great insights into the spiritual life. I liked her post here on 'desiring mystical experiences.'
I believe that mystical experiences are indeed seductive. And to the mystic who desires the milk and honey of these experiences, do not cease in your seeking but in every moment allow the spirit to overwhelm you with grace. Some experience daily, moment-by-moment 'mystical' experiences every day of their lives. Some, only for a time; others, rarely. But to seek continually is good and holy.
There are only two cautions: a) sometimes mystical experiences take you where you fear to go. If you do not 'go' to the frightening places, then you are allowing your own will to override the higher will of the God-in-you. Never place any bounds on what you 'see' 'hear' 'touch' or 'feel' in those experiences. And always write them down. The longer you are able to withstand riding on the tiger's back, the longer you can stand or sit under the fire hose power of god's cleansing waters, the more you will rejoice, AND BE AFRAID and yet find greater peace. "Mystical" experiences are NOT spiritual candy to be doled out. That is WRONG. Mystical experiences are a way of life and for most individuals, they CAN be a daily experience life-long. There is never TOO MUCH of the visions, NEVER 'too much' of the divine joy and grace of the mystical life. I say 'bah' to those that would seek to bind you with guilt that you are a 'spiritual glutton' 'spiritually immature', etc., etc., (even subtly). Be bold! AND YET . . .
b) Sometimes when you open yourself to prayer, there will be 'nothing.' YET, this too IS mystical. Allow darkness, nothingness, silence, pain, anguish, all of these, to be just as holy as the amazing visions of 4-headed angels (or whatever). Fear not: there are layers and layers and layers to work through until you reach full unity with the Divine. And even then, there are layers still. The work never ends. The point is to be fully open to God. I believe that the failure of many in our traditions is that we do not push far enough into that other realm. If we truly seek it, we will always, ALWAYS be led to good works (not by design, but naturally) and also to full honesty with ourselves. And to wholeness.
So, in reality, there are NO warnings and NO concerns. Throw yourself from the precipice of your rational understanding and fear not to hit the ground. Whatever you experience, treasure in your heart. And do NOT let the skepticism of anyone daunt you. However, it IS best to keep your experiences to yourself, perhaps only relating them to ONE individual that you know is a fearless contemplative. If you receive words of caution and reservation from them, however, cease talking to them. You must pursue your 'folly' to find wisdom. Follow the injunction of St. Clare!!!!!!! (quoted at the top of this blog).
That doesn't mean that the mystical life isn't 'dangerous'. Far from it. But if you persist in what you know to be true on the inside, you will be fine. The point is to trust, trust, and trust again.
To anyone who tells you differently say (inside) "get behind me!".
Hi Brother, It is funny that you write on this as I had just read this great piece on mysticism as well by Carl McColman
Thanks for the great article! Rahner: he is SOOOOO right. Without 'ordinary mysticism', our tradition will, indeed, die or dissolve into hopeless syncretism.
I would love to see a scholar (probably a non-christian to get some 'distance' from the subject matter) do an objective analysis of the current strains of Christianity in the world---the vatican or some denomination with some funds ought to fund this global research project.
Christianity is morphing from the inside out. It is, IN REALITY, completely different than it was even 100 years ago. BXVI is RIGHT that Gnosticism is the single greatest threat to the church---that is because the leaven that began and was hidden so long ago has 'somehow' 'infected' the entire church (at least, in the West).
And, in my view, Christianity is in no danger, because it IS becoming a mystical tradition again (well, on the popular level). We have advanced. We are moving out of the psychic level into the pneumatic. But we need a new new prophet or group of prophets to help us puncture the thinnest of membranes that separates us from a more complete wisdom. Mani might be it. At least, every time i talk to him, he punctures something in me. Maybe i'm just really easy to 'pop'. :-)
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