OK. I can't keep it a secret anymore: and I'm diverging from my usual entry, which is poetic or mystic in nature. But this is just talk. I am thrilled and amazed and deeply gratified and only a little afraid, that I have been accepted as a seminarian for the priesthood. It is a wonderful (of course small) church (of course with Apostolic Succession), where I'll be mentored individually by the Bishop weekly. I'm so, just, amazed.
It's not with my initial focus of attention, the AJC, and I still love those folks, but they told me I wasn't right for them, twice, but to discern and that the door was open. And I took the Patriarch's tender and sincere instruction to discern to heart. And I have discerned that they were right; I'm not right for them. There is something in my spirituality (sort of hard to pin down) that just doesn't fit there. And by the Grace, I've found a home. I'm also blessed to have support not only from my Bishop, but also with spiritual direction of another Bishop (of another tradition). So, my spiritual 'posse' is getting fleshed out. It is sooooooooooooooooooooooo wonderful.
Thank you to all my family, my friends, my Lodge Brothers who have made this journey possible. Soon, soon I hope, I'll be made a deacon and able to begin a community here in SF. Glory!
Finally, finally! I'm out of the frying pan and deep in the fire!!!!!!!
Dear Pete,
This is indeed most wonderful news!!! xD I'm so very happy for you!! (BigVirtualHugs) It is a beautiful thing to have a spiritual home; the best! =)
I know that your blog is usually poetry but I hope that you'll include posts on the progress of your seminary training and further spiritual journey.
Again , thanks for all of your encouraging comments on my blog!
Yours Before the Sacred Flame,
Your Sister in Gnosis
Thanks, Sister----I've never had a comment before!!!! Wow! That's a gift in itself.
Well. OK. I'll try to do some 'normal' stuff as well . . . .
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