ye powers! all this talk, talk, talk, chatter, chatter, chatter about the divine.
christian, jew, muslim, pagan, witch.
my mind will explode with their words.
escape! escape! escape into the prayer closet and firmly close and bolt the door.
set wards to keep out their incessant pollution, their defilement.
how can i talk to, to, THE GREAT, MYSELF, THE OTHER, THE SERVANTS, with their terrible words as roars and gnashing and rolling of eyes.
may their words fall into the river!
may they sink into the ground!
may the birds eat them and leave a desert plane!
and i shall remain, alone, in sackcloth. at rest.
Your words
The other occupational hazard of being a mystic, in my view, is that one becomes confused: am I THE GOD, am i angel, am I man, worm, wind?
You may prefer to transmit your understanding of who and what you are through the common idea of ONENESS ratheer than GOD, angel, man, worm, wind. You show certainty in being all of these, but it may be more productive for you to let others know you've experienced Oneness which takes in everything. A true mystic tries to unify all things which include himself or herself with God and the universe.
Thanks, very much Emmanuel, for your comment. However did you find me? At any rate, I've gone to your blogs but can't pull up the posts. I'll try again.
At any rate, thanks for the suggestion. I appreciate it very much.
I have struggled with the idea of 'true mystic'. It seems I have read that the 'goal', 'point' and 'sine qua non' of the 'mystic' is to achieve union with ALL--and you seem to echo this definition.
As yet, however, I don't see my mystical experience as having any goal at all. The fact that I am God, angel, man, and myriad other things (at times, all the time, who knows?) is not a mandate or goal with me; it simply happens to me in my contemplations. I shun goals, 'trueness' or any kind of 'mystical orthodoxy'. although, i do use the label so i guess maybe i should find a new 'label'. yet the words that come to mind as more close to my actual experience carry negative connotations. and this is a "PG-13" not "R" rated blog after all!
At any rate, I look forward with anticipation to corresponding further. Thanks for chiming in!!!!!
oh, emmanuel: i forgot my main point: "oneness" has very little imagery associated with it. i just don't 'dig' that level of apophatic experience. my visions are very much 3D, not "non-D".
anyway, thanks again!
I discovered your blog through "Google Alerts."
Oneness occurs when there is literally NO THOUGHT IN THE MIND. A true mystic is able to look about and see all as one. You will understand only after you attain that precious gift. I've worked on the consciousness problem for over 40 years. Not because of genius, but serendipitiously reallized WHY a mystical experience occurs. With this I have been able to explain HOW to attain this state which has been called divine. It is then and only then when your goal becomes a caring of other human beings, not just for one's self.
In the ordinary state of consciousness, we fail to analyze things we already know. This is why Whitehead wrote, "Familiar things happen and mankind does not bother about them. It requires a very unusual mind to undertake the analysis of the obvious." And Hegel said, "Because it's familiar, a thing remains unknown."
I did write a book titled, "The Gift of Mystical Insight." You can see it on Google or Yahoo.
You sound level-headed and sincere so if you are deeply interested in experiencing mystical insight (which is the onset of the mystical state), you would have to analyze things you already know. I have spoken at a number of conferences and meetings on consciousness which you again can read on Google and Yahoo if you put in my name Emmanuel Karavousanos
I may be getting the opportunity to speak at another conference in the not too distant future. It will be at that conference when I will give the details of why a mystical experience occurs and how it can be obtained. I suggest that this is a breakthrough in the realm of consciousness. I also suggest that science looks too deep, religion too high and philosophy too far for the question of why a mystical experience occurs and how it can be obtained.
Wow! Thanks! Thanks alot to chew on, and I will indeed to so. And I'm curious to look up your conferences and book(s). Thanks again for writing and look forward to further correspondence!
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