It amuses me to hear people talk of the spiritual 'path'. There is no path. That is a fairytale and a lie that we tell to children, and rightly so. But now, if you are grown, heed me:
We are falling, falling into thinnest air;
on that glorious day when we 'hit bottom', we will long ago have shed our fleshy chador in favor of pure light and pure thought.
So flail not! Do not grab for hand holds and railings! These are the snares of the devil--even if seeming holy. Fear most those in priestly garb standing on ledges, their rotting hands lifted in supplication. They are trapped; but do not relieve their misery; that is best left to the judgment of the God.
Rather, close your eyes, turn and revolve so that you are pointing headfirst down, down into the abyss. And faster is better.
Jump now!!, or Adonai may just push you over anyway.
Blessed are they that jump and are not pushed.
But no matter, we will all fall down the holy spiral.
But some will do so dead and rotting; others aloud and laughing; still more, terrified.
Fear not this death! Fear rather to be left on the precipice with no friend to push you. For if so, you will see the destruction of all you love, of the earth, the sun, time and space.
Come! Come! Come!
I like this imagery for a change. To think of falling instead of taking a path. Kind of makes me think of Alice and Wonderland falling down the hole too, but mostly the expression of falling in love, a little effort put forth, the initial interest, but most of the event is out of your control.
thanks for your comment. i like to think of god hiding behind bushes ready with hookwink, knife and rope. the only question is how much struggle to put up. i think he likes a little wriggling, but ultimately, submission.
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