The wounds of Christ. Let us think on these very, very intently. First, as the Jesu himself said that the entire event of his Cruxification was completely in his control, why did he cause it to play out the way it did? The robe and crown of thorns may have been unique, but other, just as pitiful humiliation was likely doled out to others dangerous to the state. Why was his side pierced? Why did he allow himself to die in just 3 hours? This was often a several-day process. Why did he cut short his suffering? Why was it NOT the greatest suffering of any human on earth. It was not. I think an intense scrutiny of every word of the passion must be made. He is telling us sublime things, but we must have the eyes and ears to comprehend the message within the message. Obviously, Jesus' death was the ultimate magical death, but what was this magic? How was it wrought? Why did it carry such potency? Of course, this is somewhat one stage removed from reality because the likelihood is that the events of the Passion are myth more ancient than days. But still, they were written in a very particular way. We must study every word. Something bigger than 'mere' salvation was wrought. Something more mysterious, sublime, and subtle. I mean, my God, the Jews already HAD salvation. Why this new non-salvation--a salvation that no one wanted. A salvation undefined. A salvation theologically unnecessary from a Judaic perspective (and irrelevant from other Jewish perspectives). What is going on????
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