Tread confidently, lightly. Whenever a strange or horrible or hideous vision comes to you in your contemplations, let it be, it will unfold to become a great gift from you. It is only your 'mind-function' or perhaps some other internal structure trying to keep you from a holy gift. Once used to these false wrappings, you become fearless. A good feeling. For the master fears nothing inside his mind. All is open to him. And if there is anything unopen, he commands it still. This is a sacred command hidden in Jesus' teachings. Look even to the Lord's prayer: thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. what is heaven? what is heaven other than G-d's complete and utterly coherent and masted mind/existence. be that. be G-d on earth. Be not fettered. But fly, fly, into the arms of our Sacred Brother and you will see.
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