Rising up. As a leaf floating up to its mother-branch.
Like a stag leaping.
Like the g-d rising up over his creation.
A lover stands glorious to his beloved.
I stand. I am all.
Wet earth between toes.
Upraised arms and rain, silver, shiny, sinuous slides down from my firmament onto my plain.
I have rolled back the skies.
Now verdant, verdant roll the hills and rich blacky loamy earth my command.
A waste has given way to my fertile fields and milk and honey flow gorge my eyes.
I rise puissant and all obey. I have righted the orbs by night and day and set their course.
I have crumbled the mighty hills and laid them lowly. And valleys I have filled with grace.
The four corners of my realm I establish firmly.
None shall pass. None pass.
Sealed. My lips so terrible.
My side has poured out and all is holy. None profane my secret.
Words have I unspoke’ by ones, tens and thousands.
All glorious. I suffer not a blade to be trampled.
My fortress mighty, walls of spirit to the uttermost stand.
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