- The prophecy of Simeon
- The Flight to Egypt
- Loss of Child Jesus for 3 days, later found in His Father's House
- Witnessing Jesus carry his Cross
- The Crucifixion of Jesus
- Taking Jesus Down from the Cross
- The Burial of Jesus
Many years of barrenness have I notched into my belt. And I nearly became a waif and a wight.
Indeed I had built a stone crypt and altar hideous beneath the ground and thought perhaps to feed on wayfarers and entrap them and indeed I had entrapped some and others merely feasted upon and let them go.
And now I have crushed that terrible crypt, hill, stone, altar and knives too all beneath a single step of my mighty glorious foot. For I have been raised upon high, higher than I had ever known the gods to soar.
And my days are filled with loving and sweetness untold. For I have had to store honeycomb in caskets rich with gold and jewels. Each of 1,224 caskets of pure gold overlaid upon silver bars thick and weighty—emeralds encrust them. Each cake I wrap in linens dipped in myrrh and linen fit for a god. And even these I am filling faster than I could imagine and soon I will move my hand and create greater caskets and barrels and soon I shall store my honeycomb—each sweeter and heavier and darker and richer and wilder than the purest honey of queen bees—richer than the food of queens and the desire of kings—each so pure that for a commoner to think on it would merit death—quick death and an unremembered death.
in lushy marshy fern-strown glen
I wait with basket brim-full
And light so tranquil ‘pon each leaf
Of green and mossy black
And heat perspiring steams return
To heaven the whole a shimmered tower
To Thee that men may follow.
See thee not the blanket spread and oil
Provided wine and bread
Stay awhile! And sup with me for hunger
Is of two types.
Thy lips a morsel brush a drop of wine bestow
Enough for me. Thy body ivory turns away
And thy light fades but slowly.
Return then after battles won and I shall weep into thy wounds.
Faith is the function that happens when logic and reason are no longer applicable.